These sequences do not contain the N-terminal signal peptide or the C-terminal hydrophobic region (Supplementary Figure S1)
These sequences do not contain the N-terminal signal peptide or the C-terminal hydrophobic region (Supplementary Figure S1). orally immunized with AtHsp81.2CSAG1HC-infiltrated fresh leaves (plAtHsp81.2CSAG1HC group), recombinant AtHsp81.2CSAG1HC purified from infiltrated leaves (rAtHsp81.2CSAG1HC group), non-infiltrated fresh leaves (control group), or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS group). Serum samples from plAtHsp81.2CSAG1HC-immunized mice had significantly higher levels of IgGt, IgG2a, […]
In addition, the severe nature of fatty accumulation in the liver decreased (fig
In addition, the severe nature of fatty accumulation in the liver decreased (fig. followed by insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes mellitus frequently. Insulin-sensitizing agents have already been reported to truly have a beneficial influence on NAFLD recently. Metformin, an insulin sensitizer, boosts hepatic blood sugar and lipid catabolism, leading to improved insulin level of resistance and […]
Splicing factors are also reduced in NLA-injected cells (Spann et al
Splicing factors are also reduced in NLA-injected cells (Spann et al., 2002); on the other hand, other treatments such as overexpression of Clk/STY protein kinase result in the redistribution of splicing factors from speckles to a diffuse pattern (Colwill et al., 1996; Sacco-Bubulya and Spector, 2002). Our results suggest a unique role for lamin speckles […]