Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, SC

Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, SC. Ahmad K. electrochemical detection for markers of SO production (durable modifications of serum protein Tyr ultimately requiring SO as a substrate). Renal cortex from MRL/MpJ-(MRL/lpr) mice with and without functional eNOS was analyzed during active disease for superoxide (SO) production with and without inhibitors of SO generating enzymes. Results […]

Even when high suprabasal growth is forcing the tooth germ into a globular shape, high mesenchymal growth can contribute to the epithelial folding by pushing the epithelium from underneath (e

Even when high suprabasal growth is forcing the tooth germ into a globular shape, high mesenchymal growth can contribute to the epithelial folding by pushing the epithelium from underneath (e.g. other tissues. D, a different parameter exploration was performed by varying the two parameters controlling epithelial bending forces (and lead to cervical loops that are […]