(D) They are structurally similar between the core residues 66C184 and 216C259 (blue), although parts of these regions are likely obscured from immune surveillance by the dimerization interface. Three genera comprise the family [which includes Ebola virus (EBOV), Sudan virus (SUDV), Bundibugyo virus (BDBV), Ta? Forest virus, and Reston virus], [which includes Marburg virus (MARV) and Ravn virus (RAVV)], and [which includes Lloviu virus]. Ebolaviruses and marburgviruses cause the clinically similar Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and Marburg Virus Disease (MVD), respectively. Filoviruses form extended filamentous virions surrounded by a membrane envelope that is studded with copies of the surface glycoprotein (GP). GP is the only protein expressed on the viral surface, and serves to mediate entry into the target cell. Through GP, the virions first interact with target cells via lectins [3], membrane phosphatidylserine, or TIM-1 family members [4]. After internalization by macropinocytosis [5C7], the virions enter the endosome, where host cathepsins proteolytically process GP to remove the glycan cap and mucin-like domain, leaving behind GP cleaved (GPCL) [8C10]. In GPCL, the core of the protein is exposed and allows the receptor binding site (RBS) to recognize and engage domain C of the cholesterol Tmem1 transporter Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1-C) [10C15]. Currently, GP is the primary target for antibodies and vaccines due to its prevalent exposure on the viral surface and its critical role in viral entry [16]. Given the complexity of antibody recognition and neutralization of filoviruses, analysis of structural differences in antibody-GP complexes and mechanisms of neutralization across Lannaconitine the filovirus family is important for understanding antibody-mediated inhibition. In the infected cell, GP is post-translationally processed by furin cleavage into GP1 and GP2 subunits [17]. The GP1 subunit facilitates host cell attachment and receptor recognition, whereas GP2 mediates fusion of the virus and host membranes [18C21]. Three GP1CGP2 heterodimers assemble into a trimeric peplomer, or spike on the viral surface [22C24]. The RBS is located beneath the glycan cap towards the top of the GP1 subunit and contains a hydrophobic pocket into which loop 2 of NPC1-C Lannaconitine binds [11,12,15]. The C-terminus of GP1 has a heavily glycosylated mucin-like domain that is situated on the upper and outer portions of the peplomer [22]. The GP2 subunit contains an N-terminal peptide (released from GP1 by furin cleavage), an internal fusion loop (IFL), two heptad repeats (HR1 and HR2), a membrane proximal external region (MPER), and a C-terminal transmembrane domain [19,23]. HR1 wraps around the base of the GP1 receptor-binding core while HR2 forms a stalk that connects the GP core to the viral membrane [23]. Many portions of GP2 including the fusion loop, HR1, and the HR2 stalk are organized similarly between ebolaviruses and marburgviruses (Figure 1) [23,25]. Open in a separate window Figure 1 Antibody epitopes on filovirus GPs(A) Ebolavirus GP with antibody binding epitopes shown as patches of color on the GP surface (PDB: 5JQ7) [65] and a corresponding sequence map below. Labels for ebolaviruses: SP = Lannaconitine Signal Peptide, I = Base, II = Head, CL = Cathepsin Cleavage Loop, III = Glycan Cap, IV = Mucin-like Domain (MLD), V = N-terminal Loop, VI = Fusion Loop, VII = Heptad Repeat 1 (HR1), VIII and Lannaconitine IX are together Heptad Repeat 2 (HR2), of which IX = Stalk, X = Membrane Proximal External Region (MPER), and TM = Transmembrane domain. (B) Marburgvirus GP with antibody binding epitopes shown as patches of color on the GP surface (PDB: 6BP2) [25]. Labels for marburgviruses: SP = Signal Peptide, I = GP1, * = Receptor binding site, II = Glycan Cap, III = MLD, IV = Wing, V = N-terminal loop, VI = Fusion Loop, VII = HR1, VIII = HR2, IX = MPER, and TM = Transmembrane domain. The RBS is illustrated only on marburgvirus GP for clarity; on uncleaved ebolavirus GP, the glycan cap masks the RBS. The GP2 of marburgviruses contains an additional domain, absent in ebolaviruses, termed the wing due to its outward projection and flexibility [26]. The wing results from an N-terminal shift in the relative position of the furin cleavage site between marburgviruses and ebolaviruses [27]. In marburgviruses, the mucin-like domain is attached to the C terminus of GP1, whereas the wing domain is attached to the N terminus of GP2 (Figure 1) [25,26]. Although the marburgvirus wing domain was thought to be analogous to the C-terminal portion of the ebolavirus mucin-like domain, recent structural information revealed.